Cinema Trivia 2.0 Released in App Store
The latest version of Cinema Trivia is now available in the App Store. The main feature of this release is an UI appearance change to go with the look and feel of iOS 7.
I started working on version 2.0 right after WWDC 2013. The bulk of the work was completed in Autumn 2013 but I was not happy with certain graphic elements in the redesigned UI which delayed everything. Finally right before the New Year, a breakthrough was made.
While Cinema Trivia 2.0 is designed for iOS 7, it is still compatible with iOS 6. However, this release does not work in iOS 5 and older versions of iOS. My apology to those who are still running older versions of iOS.
I have started working on version 2.1 which will feature content update including movies released in 2013. I plan to submit and release version 2.1 soon after the Academy Awards.
To get Cinema Trivia 2.0, search “Cinema Trivia” in the App Store on your iOS device or download it via iTunes on your Mac or PC. Send bugs, comments and questions to Thanks.