Cinema Trivia 2.3 Released in App Store
I recently had more time to work on my app and the result was more frequent updates. Right after version 2.2 was published, I converted the code base from manual-retain-and-release to Automatic Reference Counting (ARC). I also cleaned up the code a bit in the process because quite a few lines became unnecessary like synthesizing properties. New compiler was taking care of such tasks for developers. After converting to ARC, I explored a few LLVM optimization techniques. This release adopted Link Time Optimization (LTO). Other techniques will be evaluated in future releases.
I then turned my attention to the front-end and recognized that it could use a few enhancements to improve user experience. My primary objective here had always been keep everything simple and clean. I also made minor updates to the app database.
To get Cinema Trivia 2.3, search “Cinema Trivia” in the App Store on your iOS device or download it via iTunes on your Mac or PC. Send bugs, comments and questions to